Monday, February 21, 2011

Officially Waiting on TA

We are soooo close.  We received notification today that we are officially waiting on our Travel Approval as of 2/18/11.  I can't begin to tell you the joy that fills my heart.  Finally, there is an end in sight to this waiting.  Patience is not one of my strong points and I know that I am about to drive everyone around me crazy.  We cannot wait to hold this precious baby girl in our arms and to kiss those beautiful chubby cheeks.  What a testimony of God's love and His plan for our family.  I am so glad that we listened and nurtured that seed that He planted and now we are watching it grow into something so beautiful.  Mommy and Daddy are coming soon Addie J. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! SHe is so precious! They must make them cute in Kunming! I hope you get a speedy TA!
