Monday, March 21, 2011

Kunming Cutie

Wow I am not sure where to even start......there is not enough time to get this
all out.  After spending a couple of days in Beijing and seeing no signs of
Christianity...I was beginning to wonder how anyone would ever be able to break
into this culture and explain true salvation.  I was feeling very sad and
discouraged for the people of China until we met Jack.  Jack (is not his real
name but easier for us) is our Baptist tour guide....YES a Baptist in Kunming
China.  When Jack picked us up from the airport yesterday he asked us in the van
if we were Christians...and we responded yes...and he then asked what
denomination.....and we answered Baptist.  Jack's face lit up and he responded
me too!  After much conversation with Jack we were able to find out that he does
not usually do adoption guide work but had gotten this job at the last
minute...Is that a God moment or what......we also learned that he was born and
raised in Kunming and has never really left the city.  He has been a Christian
for 2 years and cannot speak publicly about the truth that has set him free.  In
a city of 4 million...Jack belongs to a church of 50 which meets privately on
Tuesday nights and Sundays.  How Radical is that for those who have read the
book????   We can't wait for Jack to come visit us in the states and attend
church with us.  He is hungry for God's word and is a remarkable young man to be
able to carry out the Christian life in south western China!!  Please pray for
Jack and others like him!!

Okay back to Addie J as we like to call her.  Overall she had a good first
nights sleep...she has a cold that is making it a little difficult to breath
when lying down but she is a good baby.  She is a self-soother and loves to suck
her thumb.  That is how she puts herself to sleep which just breaks my heart in
a way because I know that some nights that is all she had.  We are trying to
learn what she likes to eat because their food is so different.  She is not
overly fond of the baby formula that we bought yesterday at Wal-mart but she
will drink it.  She does love rice porridge with eggs mixed in....thank goodness
the hotel has it on the breakfast buffet.  We also met a sweet family from
Indiana who got their daughter yesterday with us.  She and Addie were friends
from the Orphanage and we are hoping to be able to keep in touch once we get
home.  Both babies had to go back to the orphanage today for some medicine to
treat their colds.  When you are here you just shake your heads and agree with
what the people tell you to do.  The fact that we have a pediatrician and nurse
with us doesn't seem to matter...the orphanage insists on giving the babies
Penicillin for their colds thru an is the worse thing in the world to
watch but necessary at this time.  Dr. Lillpop and nurse Lisa are overseeing the
process with our guide so I know that she is in good hands.  

While Addie was getting her medicine we were able to take a tour of the
orphanage.  Rows and rows of precious babies are what we saw as we walked in and
out of the rooms.  The orphanage did show us the room that Addie was in but we
were not allowed to take pictures.  Our hearts just broke as we walked by and
tried to touch them or talk sweetly to them.  I would hate to think of what
would have happened if the orphanage was not there so it is bitter sweet. 
Someone out there reading this has to be thinking about adoption....I am begging
you to pray about it and SEE if it is what God has willed for you.  It is so
obtainable and I would be more than happy to help walk anyone thru it.  Excuses
do not work.....all God needs is willingness and He will provide the rest. 

Picture 1:  Stylin Addie

Picture 2:  Going to sleep sucking her thumb

Picture 3:  Playful Addie

Picture 4:  At the orphanage getting her medicine

Picture 5:  Our 2nd trip to the much cheaper than home.

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