Monday, March 14, 2011

oH......HaPpY dAy!!!!!

Plane Tickets......Check

China Visas.......Check

Bags Packed.......Check

Quality time spent with the girls.........Check

Holding our baby girl for the first time....Priceless!

This past weekend was our last weekend as a physical family of four.  You see, God has always known that we are a family of 5 or maybe 6,7, or 8 (just kidding Mike).  Wednesday at 2:20pm we will step onto a plane and begin the journey to our "new kind of normal".  Soon we will SEE the beauty that He has created and our hearts will be forever joined together with a little girl that we need and desire just as much as she needs us. 

"And like the rain that falls into the sea, in a moment what has been is lost in what will be." - When Love Takes You In/Steven Curtis Chapman

Thank you God for always being good enough even when we are not. 

Next post.....China!!!!


  1. SO excited for you all!!! You will never be the same and God is going to bless you beyond your greatest dreams!!! Blessings as you get ready to go!!! SO thankful to follow you and praying you there and home!!!

  2. Woo-Hoo!! We are so excited for you. Take a deep breath! Take in everything while you're there. We'll be praying for a smooth transition for you and your family!
